Shannon Raum

Shannon Raum was a violinist who “saw the light” after taking cello lessons from Julia Dather in 1999. She has been a cellist ever since. Shannon joined the SSO in 2005 and became the Secretary and Historian for the Board of Directors in 2008. In 2014, Shannon resigned as Secretary and Historian to become the Publicity Manger for the SSO. Shannon currently works at Notre Dame of Maryland University as the Assistant Director of Human Resources and received her masters in HR Management there in May 2013. Shannon, raised in Harford County and former student of Sheldon Bair, now lives in Baltimore City.

What does Shannon like most about the SSO?

“… that we have such a diverse group and that we take risks with the music. I think we’re often ahead of the BSO when it comes to novelty music ideas like Zepplin, Peanuts, etc.”
